What’s OG in football? Common situations

One of the issues that many football lovers are interested in is OG in football. This question concerns the situation in King’s sport and data related to this case. Find out more about this important topic with the Superph article below!

What’s learning about OG in football?

What's learning about OG in football?

OG in football, or Own Goal, is the English phrase for these situations. To put it simply, these are cases of betrayal of players’ homes. When a home team player accidentally or intentionally puts the ball into the home team’s grid, the referee recognizes this as the opponent’s goal.

In fact, domestic betrayal often comes from random, unlucky situations. This leads the team to take the consequences and lead the opponent. Of course, the system and the organizers will review this to see if it’s exactly a subjective or objective cause. That’ll punish you for watching the organizers and the tournament.

It’s not uncommon in soccer to have home cheating. It can come from subjective situations such as touching the ball with the leg, hitting the head with the ball, unintentionally stopping the ball from changing the direction, or there may be situations that do not understand each other. All of them can create confusing balls in the game.

Some regulations apply to OG

FIFA has its own rules for the goal. Here’s all the information you need to understand to better understand this.

Punishment for players who make OG mistakes

As we introduced a home-trade football team, it means that the opponent will get that goal. There won’t be any opposition here because it’s already stipulated. What we’re concerned about is the penalties for players who violate OG in football?

Usually, if you don’t intentionally kick a counter, the player won’t be punished. Even so this player will receive criticism from the coaches, the audience or the fans, this is inevitable especially the mistake that leads to such a serious bad outcome.

In the opposite case, if he deliberately hits the home counter, it means that his team will lose and will likely not be able to register a ticket for the first round. This means half-time, one of the most unsporting and highly condemned acts. Players will be severely punished according to the rules of the organizer.

OG Championship in football

Having mastered what OG is in football, you’re sure you’ve been interested in how goals are counted. The World Federation of Football has an obvious rule, all cases of home defamation will be counted for the rest of the team. However, the player who strikes that reverse kick will have a change in the game.

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Depending on the tournament rules, a home-back player may be on the opponent’s scoring list at the end of the game. The player who last hits the ball when it touches the opponent who goes into the grid is the one who contributes to that goal.

The funniest home-trade situations.

If you’re interested in what OG is in football, you shouldn’t miss some of the funny home tricks below, such as:

Lee Dixon

In one match with Arsenal-Coventry, the player left the ball rather dangerously and kicked into the house net at the surprise of the audience. The ball flies through Arsenal goalkeeper’s head and goes straight into his team’s net.

The situation Olof Mellberg betrayed

A highly casual situation, a boundary shot by Mellberg to Aston Villa’s goalkeeper in the game. However, this goalkeeper could not manage the ball and let it touch the goal. Then the goal was counted for the opponent’s team before the shouting of the athletes..

David Luiz

If you care about OG in football, you’re sure you can’t ignore David Luiz’s domestic betrayal. This Brazilian player distorted the ball, leading to this loss. Thanks to this counterfeit, the world has become much more familiar with David Luiz.


So Superph has a pretty full presentation of the OG problem in football. Hopefully, that will help you see the issues associated with the term. Generally speaking, no player expects to encounter domestic fraud when playing, leading to a bad outcome for the home team. Visit our website regularly every day and register for more news.

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